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The Vision and Strategies of Engineers Canada (EC)

April 28, 2023Team Creatrix
engineers canada EC

Engineers will be essential in determining the future of Canadian society as the nation's population expands, urbanizes, and becomes more interconnected. Excellence, innovation, and sustainability are the three crucial visions of Engineers Canada (EC) for the future of engineering.

EC is Canada's national organization that represents the engineering profession. We will discuss EC's goals and plans for engineering in Canada in this blog post, as well as the steps the organization is taking to advance the industry and prepare for the challenges of the twenty-first century.


What is the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board? What does it do?

Engineers Canada (EC) is the national organization representing the engineering profession in Canada. It was founded in 1939 as the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, and its mandate is to advance the profession of engineering in Canada and promote its contribution to society.

EC sets standards for the engineering profession, develops guidelines and best practices, and provides support and resources to engineers and engineering organizations across the country.


role of Canadian engineering accreditation


Some of the key activities of EC include:

Accreditation of engineering programs:

EC accredits undergraduate engineering programs in Canada to ensure that they meet national standards for education and training.

Licensing of professional engineers:

Engineers Canada's accreditation board oversees the licensing of professional engineers in Canada through its member organizations, which are the provincial and territorial engineering regulators.

Promotion of the engineering profession:

EC works to raise public awareness of the value and importance of the engineering profession and to promote the role of engineers in addressing the major challenges facing society.

Development of guidelines and best practices:

EC develops guidelines and best practices for engineers and engineering organizations in areas such as ethics, sustainability, and safety.

Advocacy and policy development:

It advocates for policies and regulations that support the engineering profession and promote its contribution to society, and works with government and industry stakeholders to develop strategies for advancing the profession.

Through these activities, EC plays a critical role in advancing the engineering profession in Canada and ensuring that it remains at the forefront of innovation and progress.


Engineers Canada (EC) accreditation board vision and strategies

Engineers Canada's vision is to have "Canadians trust and respect the engineering profession, its values, and its ability to make a significant contribution to society." To achieve this vision, Engineers Canada has developed a strategic plan with five key strategies:


engineers canada vision and strategies


1. Strengthen the regulatory framework

EngineersCanada aims to promote consistency in engineering regulations across Canada, establish new standards for engineering education and practice, and ensure public safety.


2. Advance the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of the profession

Engineers Canada aims to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive profession by supporting initiatives that attract and retain a more diverse range of engineers, including women, Indigenous peoples, and members of other underrepresented groups.


3. Foster excellence in engineering education

Engineers Canada aims to improve the quality of engineering education in Canada by working with academic institutions, professional associations, and other stakeholders to establish and promote best practices in engineering education.


4. Promote the value of engineering to society

Engineers Canada aims to promote the value of engineering to society by highlighting the role that engineers play in addressing complex challenges and contributing to social and economic development.


5. Enhance organizational effectiveness and governance

Engineers Canada aims to enhance its organizational effectiveness and governance by adopting best practices in governance, improving operational efficiency, and strengthening stakeholder engagement.

Through these strategies, Engineers Canada is working to raise the standards of engineering practice in Canada and ensure that the profession continues to play a vital role in addressing the challenges facing Canadian society.


Engineers Canada accreditation process


engineers Canada accreditation process


The accreditation process for engineering programs in Canada is a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of the program's educational quality, standards, and outcomes. Its accreditation process is designed to ensure that engineering programs meet or exceed the minimum standards set by EC and the profession.

The accreditation process typically involves a self-study by the program, followed by an evaluation visit by a team of expert evaluators. The evaluators assess the program based on a set of criteria that cover a range of topics, including curriculum, faculty, facilities, and student outcomes. The evaluators then prepare a report that summarizes their findings and makes recommendations for improvement.

If the program meets the accreditation standards, it is granted accreditation status for a specified period, typically between four and six years. Accreditation must be renewed periodically, and programs must undergo a re-evaluation to maintain their accredited status.

Accreditation by EC is important for engineering programs in Canada because it ensures that graduates of accredited programs have met the educational requirements necessary to become licensed professional engineers. It also gives employers and the public confidence in the quality of the education provided by the program.


The future of engineering in Canada with reference to Engineers Canada's (EC)

The engineering industry in Canada is critical to the country's economy and infrastructure development.

According to Statistics Canada, in 2019, there were approximately 300,000 engineers in Canada, representing about 1% of the total workforce. The engineering industry in Canada is diverse and covers various areas, including transportation, energy, construction, and technology.

As the national organization representing the engineering profession in Canada, Engineers Canada plays a vital role in shaping the future of engineering in the country. EC's mission is to promote and maintain the integrity, honor, and interests of the engineering profession in Canada.

The organization works closely with provincial and territorial regulators to ensure that the engineering profession in Canada operates under the highest standards of excellence.

One significant way EC is shaping the future of engineering in Canada is by advocating for diversity and inclusion in the profession. The organization recognizes that the engineering industry in Canada must become more inclusive to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global economy.

To that end, EC has launched several initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in the engineering profession. For example, in 2019, the organization launched the 30 by 30 initiative, with the goal of increasing the representation of women in the engineering profession to 30% by 2030.

Another critical area where EC is shaping the future of engineering in Canada is through its accreditation program. EC's accreditation program ensures that engineering programs and degrees meet the highest standards of academic rigor and professional relevance. This program ensures that graduates of engineering programs have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the engineering profession.

EC is also working to promote innovation and technology in the engineering industry in Canada. The organization recognizes that the engineering industry is rapidly evolving, and new technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the profession. EC is working to ensure that the engineering profession in Canada is at the forefront of innovation and technology, allowing Canadian engineers to remain competitive in a global market.


Winding thoughts - Get EC accredited with Creatrix Campus

In conclusion, Engineers Canada is an essential organization that plays a significant role in promoting the engineering profession's best practices in Canada. The organization has a clear vision and well-defined strategies that aim to ensure that the engineering profession in Canada remains relevant, innovative, and responsive to societal needs.

Through various initiatives, such as accreditation of engineering programs, professional development, and public policy advocacy, Engineers Canada is helping to shape the future of engineering in Canada.

By collaborating with various stakeholders, including engineering professionals, academia, and government, the organization is well-positioned to continue to lead the development and implementation of best practices for engineering in Canada.

With Creatrix Campus accreditation software, engineering programs can easily manage and organize accreditation-related data, such as student outcomes, curriculum mapping, and assessment results.

It's important to note that EC is the official accrediting body for engineering programs in Canada, and our software is designed solely to support the accreditation process. While we work closely with you to ensure that our software meets their requirements, the decision regarding accreditation status is still made by EC.

We're proud to offer an innovative solution that simplifies the accreditation process and improves the efficiency of engineering programs across Canada. Contact our team now!


Disclaimer: Please note that Creatrix Campus is not an accreditation agency and does not provide accreditation. Our software is designed solely to streamline the accreditation process and improve efficiency for educational institutions seeking accreditation from Engineers Canada (EC). We're proud to offer an innovative solution that simplifies the accreditation process and improves the efficiency of engineering programs seeking accreditation from EC. However, it's important to note that the final decision regarding accreditation status rests solely with EC.