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Preparing Qualitative Metrics for NAAC Accreditation? These 12 tips could help you

October 09, 2020Team Creatrix
tips to prepare Qualitative Metrics for NAAC Accreditation

Often, the most crucial, yet complicated task in the NAAC Accreditation process is preparing Qualitative Metrics for NAAC Accreditation. Answering those metrics could be quite challenging. What you communicate in there could bring a frown, nod, surprise, smile, or a grin into the peer team visitor’s face. Are you ready for it? We know, it's a team task.

A task that takes a combined effort of the dean, HOD, faculty, and of course, the principal of the college. At Creatrix Campus, we wish to give each one of you involved in this process a bold start through this blog that offers 12 quick tips on how to write effective qualitative metrics for NAAC Accreditation
We’ve also tried to throw insights into what exactly are the QlM and why they matter the most in the whole accreditation process.

Reading this piece of work before preparing QlM could reduce your team’s time spent in half, and give them enough confidence to move forward. Continue reading.

What are Qualitative Metrics (QlM) in NAAC Accreditation? 

Since you are right now working on your NAAC Accreditation, you should be knowing better about the QlM by now. 

In short, qualitative metrics are one of the main components of the Self Study Report (SSR), based on which the NAAC’s grading is determined.

They are mainly to elicit qualitative responses as a  standard of measurement from higher education institutions. In simple terms, Metrics are equivalent to Questions. Since these metrics require descriptive responses, they are named Qualitative metrics (QlM).

According to the Revised Format of the Self-Study Report, 39 QlM questions cover all seven criteria of NAAC including Curriculum aspects, Teaching-Learning and Evaluation, Research, Innovations, Extension, Infrastructure Learning Resources, Student Support, and Progression, Governance, Leadership, and finally Management, and Institutional Values and Best Practices. 

All of this is associated with the subjective quality of matters concerning the institute, phenomenon, expertise, leadership, reputation, etc. 

Why are the Qualitative Metrics (QlM) so important in NAAC Accreditation?

As far as SSR is concerned, they contribute to 38 of 136 metrics in the case of  Universities, 38 of 137 in the case of Autonomous colleges, and 41 of 121 for Affiliated colleges. 

naac accreditation

And they add up to 30% of the total 1000 score of NAAC. 

The input from the Qualitative metrics using on-site peer judgment adds to the HEI’s final NAAC grading. The focus is more on this 30% intangible aspect of the metrics, therefore they are a very crucial component in NAAC grading.

The 12 quick tips for writing efficient QlM metrics


12 tips to write efficient Qualitative Metrics for NAAC Accreditation


1. Allocate a team that is diligent and experienced enough to carry out the task. The team should be directly reporting to the Accreditation Committee of the college/institute in case of any queries. 

2. A bit of a probe or self-analysis is a must. Try to study more about your college, its curricular aspects, teaching-learning and evaluation, research, innovations, infrastructure, resources, student support, governance, policies, etc.

3. The topmost task before beginning to write QlM is to read every metric carefully, highlighting the keywords. A focused response is all that is required using the right set of keywords. Remember to cover all aspects of the metric in your answer.

4. You are explaining what has already been implemented in your institution. So DO NOT give your responses in their ‘Present tense’.
5. While writing QlM, do not ignore to include the benefits gathered during the event and validate them with necessary evidence.  

6. Do not flaunt. Give only relevant, clear, and honest answers which you should be able to demonstrate with confidence to the visiting Peer visiting team. 

7. Convey your thoughts in simple English and without grammatical mistakes. Try to include relevant headings and sub-headings in your answers.

8. See that your answers do not fall short of the length mentioned. By writing too short, you may give an impression to the peer team that you perhaps didn’t have much to say and lacked expertise.

9. Similarly, nowhere try to squeeze in the additional matter! Lengthy tables and graphs may not look good in the limited space provided. If you have more to say in matters of numbers and names, do it, but never overdo it. Take the additional features to the Annexure and attach it. 

10. Do justice to those metrics that require supporting documents as uploads. Invariably, you are only proving to the Peer team that you have a satisfactory practice implemented effectively. You have the choice to either upload the evidence within the MB provided in the portal or provide an external link to your institution’s website.

11. Do not beat around the bush. Focus on what matters. This way, you would start powerfully, and end with an impactful statement.

12. When done, proof the copy. Get this done by a professional copywriter or use a versatile team member who has good writing ability. Remember your copy will be checked for plagiarism. Do not copy content from any online source. Finally, share a copy with the IQAC to see if all metric is answered, and nowhere it is overdone.


NAAC accreditation made easy with Creatrix Campus 

In the intricate web of NAAC Accreditation, the journey to excellence is paved with qualitative metrics that reflect the very essence of your institution's commitment to quality education. As we conclude this illuminating exploration, remember that these 12 invaluable tips are not merely guidelines; they are the threads that can weave a tapestry of distinction for your institution.

By meticulously preparing your qualitative metrics, you are not only aligning with NAAC's rigorous standards but also carving a unique identity in the academic realm. Each tip we've uncovered serves as a roadmap to achieving accreditation that speaks volumes about your institution's unwavering dedication to excellence.

Now, the path is clear and the steps are laid out. Embrace these insights, infuse them with your institution's vision, and embark on this transformative journey towards NAAC Accreditation success. Ready to embark on this path to academic distinction? Take the first step by exploring the tailored solutions and comprehensive support offered by Creatrix Campus' Accreditation expertise. Your institution's brilliance awaits—seize it with Creatrix Campus today.