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10 big reasons why colleges need an Admission Management Software

March 22, 2022Team Creatrix
reasons why colleges need an Admission Management Software

We know that your search for Admission Management Software brought you here.

Mordor Intelligence forecasts the CAGR of the admission management software market to hit a record of 10.15%, during the period 2021 to 2026. This hike is due to more and more students seeking admissions from academic institutions, complicating the entire admission process. The manual way of conducting admission can place the whole institution in its back seat. Therefore the demand for admission management software is increasing.

Have a look at the following questions and see if any of them resonates:




  • Has your college started experiencing a dip in student enrolments and subsequently a dip in admissions?
  • Are you finding it difficult to get the right candidates for your college?
  • Is it becoming difficult for you to keep track of all the inquiries coming through your website?
  • Are your college applicants going to other colleges?


These questions might seem unrelated, the answer however falls in the ballpark of an online Admission and Enrolment software. If you ponder around these questions too often, then you can take solace in the fact that you are not alone.

Almost all major higher education institutions today are looking at automating the admission process or online enrolment process. And why wouldn’t they, with a good solution, they would be killing multiple birds at once.


10 reasons why you need an Admission Management System


reasons why you need admission management software


1. Creating admission process workflow

The first important reason to have an admissions management platform is for creating an admission workflow. Think about it, do you want to start creating a building without having a blueprint for it. Good software should allow you to establish the entire process and automate it wherever necessary. You can have 5 stages in the admission process or 10, and software should let you establish them.


2. Managing online admission inquiries

Almost all colleges have websites, most of them have inquiry forms or registration forms. But hardly any of them have automated inquiry management processes.

Even after showing interest in your college, more than half of the students won’t join. Why? This happens because they don’t get on-time information or they find a seemingly better option. Manual processes such as sending emails, scheduling interviews & asking for documents take all your time. A good system should automate all this and make your process smoother.


admission inquiries


3. Applicant status tracking

From the time a student submits the registration form, the system should guide him through the entire process. Once the student completes the registration process, he should be able to view the status of his application in real-time.


application status tracking


This would save multiple calls to your office asking for status. Imagine having that kind of support and the numerous man-hours saved on calls.


4. Applicant evaluation and ranking

Do you want better evaluation parameters to find candidates who are the best fit for your college? An admission management system isn’t just a good registration solution but a good candidate evaluator as well. It integrates effortlessly with online Scheduling tools, giving users the ability to schedule interviews for candidate ranking.


5. Online qualifying tests

Ever felt that the student you admitted might not be as good a fit as he initially seemed? A system should help you screen the students better like setting up a small exam to check their subject knowledge. This would especially come in handy in the case of foreign applicants.


6. Payment processing

You have established the entire process, but are unable to send payment reminders to students or guardians? A good solution would be to send regular automated reminder emails, generate invoices for you while also helping the students’ process payment.


7. Chatbot for clearing queries

Lack of transparency in the admission process leads to anxiousness and anxious students making calls to college. A lot of calls. A chatbot accompanied with your online registration software solution would make it complete and improve its effectiveness multifold.


chatbot for higher education


8. Going paperless

Forget about managing documents and hours of data entry into your Student Information System. A top-shelf solution would integrate with your SIS and feed student data directly into it thus making the transition seamless.


9. Improving communication

Ever lost student interest due to lack of communication? An enrollment management system that allows the admissions team to interact with students in real-time is the solution. After all, communication is the key.


10. Reports and dashboards

Admissions software offers institutions handy admission reports on various dimensions. With easily accessible data, the admission heads can avail detailed reports about student intake, applicant pool, diversity metrics, and more. On the contrary, the role-based dashboards give better visibility into the institute’s admission process right in front of its users.


admission software reporting and dashboards



By far the biggest goal is to ensure that all your manpower and resources are used effectively. Optimizing and automating processes would only bring your benefits and result in increased institutional effectiveness.

Creatrix Admissions management software is designed specifically to handle higher ed’s admission challenges. It is 100 percent configurable, giving institutions the liberty to tweak it as per the institutional requirement.

It is still not late if you wish to optimize your admissions workflow, contact our higher education experts to hear how we can help you.