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How AI-driven solutions transform student lifecycle management in higher education

March 09, 2022Team Creatrix
student lifecycle management in higher education

Student Lifecycle Management may sound tedious, but with an AI-Driven solution, it can be made more effortless than a procedure. It’s rightly the time when the higher education leaders are overtaxed to achieve strategic goals from funding to government compliance to return on their investment. In such a pressurized environment, they need a clear path that offers better visibility and actionable insights on their students' progress, programs, teaching and learning activities, and metrics aligned with their institution’s strategy in each of these areas. The bottom line is education analytics.

At Creatrix, we call this path the Student Lifecycle Management. The right student lifecycle management can consolidate multiple streams of data in real-time, allowing decision-makers to enhance students and institutional performance going forward.

Dedicated to all higher education leaders, in this blog post, we’ll first explore the challenges higher learning institutions face on their journey. We’ll also look into the key AI-driven tools that will help in the successful management of the entire student lifecycle journey.


What is the student lifecycle management in higher education?

Ideally, the student lifecycle starts from the moment a prospective student first contacts your institution and goes through their academic years in an effective learning environment, until they travel through as alumnus, leading to greater institutional performance.

Creatrix Student Lifecycle Management automates the entire students’ lifecycle with complete data insights from the start of their recruitment journey through their campus life until they become alumni.


what is student lifecycle management in higher education


Challenges colleges and universities face today

Effectively managing the above-mentioned lifecycle is crucial to achieving greater learning outcomes. Thus far, higher education decision-makers are battling to deal with larger institutional issues like rising costs, regulatory compliance, soaring competition, and new technologies sidetracking their focus from the student lifecycle.

Despite the challenges, the students are indeed the nuclei of every learning institution.

It’s high time higher education leaders and administrators that handle student lifecycle with the highest priority should ruminate over questions like;


Do we have actionable and intuitive data to make decisions that can ultimately lead to an institution’s performance?

Are the marketing and enrollment strategies best enough to identify the best students for our institution?

Do the faculty have analytical tools to offer best student outcomes?

Are we utilizing the latest technology available to know every step of the student lifecycle?” “Do the parents/ head of the institution  know about the students' day-to-day conduct?


challenges faced by colleges and universities


The truth is, today most higher education institutions are ill-equipped technologically, which makes the scenario difficult to manage the student lifecycle.

That’s commonly due to a fragmented approach unable to withstand new advancements, arising needs, fleeting priorities, and occasional demands. Some of the most common obstacles colleges and universities are facing are:

  1. Lack of Information Security
  2. Managing the Student Success integration and implementation
  3. The inability of the data-enabled management system
  4. Lack of student-centered institution
  5. Costly network equities and digital integrations

For higher learning institutions, gaining mastery over the above-mentioned challenges is not about keeping up with the speed of technology. Rather, it’s much more about being abreast with the growing needs of the student lifecycle. The answer is Student Lifecycle Management.


AI-Driven Solutions for Every Phase of Student Lifecycle Management

Let’s see how AI-driven solutions can easily transform student lifecycle management.


The initial touchpoints - Attracting and engaging Prospective Students

Your only goal here is to attract the right students and best manage everything.

Starting right from your initial touchpoints, through the admissions and approvals, until your ultimate goal is achieved right, never miss on your prospective students.

In the current scenario where there is fierce competition, do you think it’s possible to achieve the above goal with just the right resources?

Higher education institutions must adapt to a modern student journey that’s dominated by social media and mobility.

A Student CRM software (Client Relationship Management) that embraces social media to effectively attract, nurture and engage students is necessary. It not only offers robust insight and intelligence to your marketing efforts and recruitment campaigns but also helps achieve

  • Campaign monitoring: Measures real-time monitoring of the university’s marketing campaigns.
  • Perform trend analysis: Offers insight into what prospects, parents, and alumni feel about your university.
  • Competitive Intelligence: This Lets you identify strengths, weaknesses, and how you measure up against other institutions.

A CRM has tools to define multiple touchpoints starting from

  • Visiting the institution’s website and requesting information
  • Requesting a campus visit, if applicable
  • Applies to enrollment

This quality way of leading your prospect at these crucial initial touchpoints will boost your enrollment rates.


Intuitive tools for Admissions and Enrollment

Post application submission, once a prospect is in, he has to be nurtured in the best way possible. They need an enhanced technology solution that befriends them like a good friend. In the Creatrix Campus Admission and Enrollment solution, there are tools to track, monitor, and manage each phase of the applications process including;

  • Application receipt and confirmation
  • Review of requirements met or unmet
  • Routing to board for approval
  • Final approval or rejection

Never miss out on software with tools like,

  • Education Chatbot
  • Advanced form builders
  • Application Manager
  • Student Admission Portal
  • Workflow automation
  • Online scoring tools
  • Status management tools


Tools for analytics

So, once you have the best students, how do you help them succeed?

What if you could:

  • Proactively spot students needing additional support
  • Layout a strategy to effectively plan, connect, collaborate, research, and gain insight from others
  • Immediately fix any critical education challenges they face in your institution using data

The only solution is by leveraging the power of analytics. This can help you turn your imagination into reality. The ultimate goal however is to empower student to success throughout their lifecycle and beyond.


On-the-go self-service tools

Post admission, what students look for is a set of flexible self-service tools. An AI-driven solution with self-service capabilities is a boon for both management and students, firstly there would be no frustrations of students running around for necessities like

  • Financials
  • Bill payments
  • Installments
  • Hostel
  • Scholarships
  • Library
  • Transcripts, etc.

Secondly, the students feel empowered.

Course self-registration tools reduce long lines with customized Registration workflow for every student. It provides an opportunity for students to pick courses keeping their credit scores in mind, track waitlists, amendments, and withdrawals, followed add/drop/manage purses and programs, and register from any time, anywhere.


Learning management tools

There are some colleges and universities that are adopting flipped learning and other digital learning tools for the delivery of content that reverses the traditional learning environment. Whether it's easy-to-use administrator tools, on-the-go faculty evaluation systems, or personalized learning with a student lifecycle management system, collaboration tools provide a way for the college community to ride on an outcome-based learning approach that can lead to student success.

Keep students focused on learning by providing access to the syllabus, lesson plan, and other resources anywhere, anytime in an asynchronous learning environment.

Most educators believe that enhancing student services has the potential to enhance student achievement. Integrating digital technology into the classroom through flipped learning or blended learning is very effective to improve student learning outcomes.


Implement digital assessment tools

Effective classroom assessments and grading enable faculty and instructors to create online tests, assignments, examinations, quizzes, and surveys that have a greater impact on student achievement never than ever before.


Mobile support

As mentioned in the above section, today’s students demand tools for mobility. Giving them the mobile app will give them a most fulfilling student experience. The national report on student mobile device usage by Pearson proves the rise in users with a huge drop in the number of students using laptops and computers.


mobile ready software
Image source EDUCAUSE


With higher education mobile apps, students can be instantly communicated about their campus events, their grades, advising details, payments and books due, hostel information, and other highly sensitive information.


Efficient tools for student scheduling

The next important factor in student lifecycle management is offered by the right scheduling tools. Though the path to student success begins with the scheduling tools, many institutional leaders fail to capitalize on its potential. Efficient scheduling can boost student retention rates. The alerts and mobile notifications are further highlights.

Automated scheduling with Creatrix allows you to focus on better student learning and outcomes; when students wish to reschedule their appointments or cancel them, they can easily do it simply and fast. Students can easily pick a time for a dedicated meeting and get support to achieve key milestones.

The highly transparent scheduling tools offer instant real-time updates regarding special events, assessments, submissions, room allocations, student calendars, fee details, and auto-notifications on schedule changes in real-time—all that’s needed for a learner to stay top-notch by doing their jobs themselves.


Tools to build student portfolio

Higher education institutions should focus on student portfolio tools, which readies your route to accreditation. They act as evidence for programmatic accreditation and program quality, conveying the story of how students are progressing throughout the program.

An e-portfolio that houses students’ digital artifacts, including projects, term papers, case studies, faculty assessment criteria, and learning outcomes attainment adds to a more fulfilling student success experience too.


Placement management tools

When it comes to reaching their career ambitions, students have high expectations—they anticipate a hassle-free placement procedure that allows them to do everything themselves.

The Creatrix placement management software has the potential to completely revolutionize the student experience with a self-service model.

  • The easy-to-use user interface guides students to build job profiles, upload resumes, and search and apply for jobs and internships.
  • They can be in a tab of their training and placement schedules, interviews, and selection procedures, all from their tablets or mobile devices.
  • Easily integrates with campus’s respective portals, enabling students to register online, create job profiles, upload resumes, hunt/apply for jobs and internships with real-time status tracking from anywhere and anytime.


Alumni engagement tools

With each passing day, the alumni relations market is becoming alumni-centric, demanding more engagement tools to effectively manage, engage, and connect with their alumni. Therefore, higher education leaders are forced to figure out practical ideas to interact with alumni that engage with them. Alumni engagement tools can help build long-lasting alumni relationships in institutions.

Creatrix has an interactive alumni management module with a centralized alumni database, personalized outreach, and communication plans, to drive engagement, donations, and requisition of services; allows easy setup of alerts and workflows with complete analytics to help identify new targets for a successful alumni relationship.


Maximize student success opportunities

To support student success, colleges and universities need to flexibly implement programs tailored to student needs with a student information system and support student retention and success. Engage with instructors through lecture videos, slide presentations, podcasts, or collaborative work sessions to enable students to improve learning outcomes.


Why Creatrix Campus for student lifecycle management? A suite of best-in-class tools to surprise you

Automated tools are transforming the learning landscape for students. Higher education students are more connected with the community than ever. An increasing number of educators are implementing AI-driven online tools throughout the student lifecycle from admission through graduation programs and beyond, and higher education leaders are supporting this paradigm shift.

At Creatrix, we deliver the technology that can help you manage and easily transform the student lifecycle. We can help you handle even your most pressing education challenges with our enterprise IT solutions that help institutional leaders evolve and grow throughout the student lifecycle journey and beyond.

We’ve explored the entire student lifecycle, and the strategies institutions must adopt to effectively manage all phases of it. Talk to Creatrix experts now or request a demo!